We at R.O.P.S. serve to protect River Otters of the USA, namely Lutra Canadensis, the North American River Otter. While they are not protected under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, North American River Otters are protected or listed in some states of the US as threatened or endangered. They are at least protected under International Trade Laws set in 1973 under the CITES treaty. CITES is a world wide treaty. It still stands firmly today.

Our goal is to see that people are educated on why river otters are so important. Their role in nature is very important to a stable river or wetland environment. We here at R.O.P.S. want to see the Lutra Canadensis flourish once again as a species. All the money in the world can't help these animals, but educated people can.

So with this thought in mind, visit all that is available here on this site. The preservation of river otters is a must and we have the power now to save them from extinction. Maybe when you leave this site you may be a bit wiser as to why we must cherish the other forms of life around us. We thank you for your concern and/or interest. Please feel free to email us at the addresses listed below.

Reach Mudgie DaOtter himself or us at R.O.P.S. go to our contacts page.

Thank you for visiting with us.



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Copyright ©, River Otter Preservation Society, 1993-2016